Semester One Reports
Dear Parents, Carers and Guardians of students in Years 6-12
We look forward to sharing your child’s end-of-semester report with you from 10:00 am, tomorrow morning.
Throughout the year, teachers focus on providing timely, specific, and meaningful feedback that helps to empower students to be autonomous learners who pursue their best and are committed to improvement. Through our Student Management System SEQTA, parents of students in Years 6-12 can view feedback, assessment results, rubrics, teacher comments, student self-reflection, and uploaded student work. This information is supplemented by communication between teachers and parents, such as at parent teacher interviews.
As our St Mark’s community is characterised by a commitment to lifelong learning, and equipping your child with the necessary skills for the workplace of the future, we report on the St Mark’s Learner Attributes (Attitude and Effort, Reflection and Growth, Collaboration and Communication).
This end-of-semester report is a snapshot of your child’s development and achievement across the semester. Students in Years 6-11 receive a report in both semesters, whilst Year 12 students receive both a Semester 1 report and a Statement of Results at the end of their academic year.
The Secondary report includes the following information.
- A pastoral comment, written by your child’s pastoral care teacher, providing an overview of their holistic progress.
- Semester results in the form of marks.
- An average mark for each course to indicate your child’s place in relation to others studying that course.
- For courses in Years 11 and 12 with ten students or more, your child’s achievement in relation to that of other students in the course is represented as a visualization. The shaded band indicates the range of achievement by students in that course, the vertical bar shows the average, and the dot illustrates your child’s place along the achievement range.
- A-E grades for Years 6-10 show your child’s achievement against the standard expected for that course and year level, in alignment with the Western Australian Curriculum.
- A-E grades for Years 11-12 show your child’s achievement against the grade descriptions for each course as determined by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority of Western Australia.
- Other achievement information, as appropriate to the course.
- Year 9 Christian Education is a year long course and therefore students are given feedback throughout the Semester and a grade at the end of the year in their Semester 2 report.
- Students who are enrolled in Extension and Engage courses in Years 6-10 will have a grade showing their achievement in the course, and additionally a grade showing their achievement against the Western Australian Curriculum standards.
- Vocational and Education Training (VET) courses are reported against each Certificate’s Units of Competency.
- Year 12 students studying the Curtin UniReady enabling course are provided with a brief comment detailing their achievement and progress in that course. Statement of Results will reflect competent/not competent.
- Students studying Instrumental Music and/or Voice will have a grade and a rating related to their approach to lessons, practice routine, technical development and musicality.
- Students who have an Individual Education Plan for one or more subjects are reported on against their individual outcomes.
- As the Future Ready courses Learn and Explore in Years 6-8, and Challenge and Enrich in Years 9-10 are designed to engage students as active agents of their own learning, these courses do not have marks or grades.
We encourage you to discuss this report with your child, so that you can support their development as a curious, reflective lifelong learner.
Kind regards,
Roseanne Madden
Deputy Principal