Year 10 Exams
This week your child will receive their exam timetable. This can be both a nervous and exciting time for students as they solidify study routines and prepare for exams. Over this term Year 10 students will be learning about subject choices for Year 11 and thinking about pathway choices and their future dreams. We are here to support you and your child through this process and will be sending out further information in Week 8 about our Parent Information night in Week 10 on Thursday 20 June.
The Year 10 exam period is from Friday 31 May (week 7) – Friday 7 June (week 8), please find attached the exam timetable. Exams start at 8:45am so it is important that students are in their allocated room as per the exam timetable by 8:35am. Most exams finish around 11:00am and your child can be collected at this time. At the end of the exams students may return home or study in the library, so they may prepare for their next exam. They will do this on the days of their English, Math’s, and Science Exams. On Thursday all students will complete a HASS test and then go to their normal P2 class. The exception to this is the 12 LOTE students who are allowed to leave school at the end of HASS test so they can prepare for their LOTE exam on Friday. Friday Week 8 will be a normal school day (other than those students completing the LOTE exam).
Students not sitting exams will receive a separate letter explaining what they will be doing and parents will be notified.
Students are to wear sports uniform and are expected to have read through the exam procedures document which is attached for your reference. Students received this today, also. It is a modified version of the expectations in Year 11 & Year 12 so that students become used to the processes and protocols around exams.
Students have been reminded of how important regular study is and that the lead up to exams should be reading over notes, chatting about their studies, and doing practice exam questions in preparation. The exams are a really good way for us to assess each student’s strengths, areas for growth and whether the subject is a good fit for them in Year 11.
We wish every student success in their upcoming exams