Important Letter from the Principal: Parking
Please note that the below was sent via SEQTA email on Monday, 26 March 2024.
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Parking in public spaces around St Mark’s
I trust this email finds you well and that you are looking forward to a break with your family after a purposeful and busy first term back at School.
I am writing to you today to request your assistance with an ongoing situation that St Mark’s is seeking to manage.
The St Mark’s office continues to field regular complaints from the businesses surrounding St Mark’s as our community are utilising private parking spaces in the different centres when dropping children at, and collecting children from, school.
The areas we are referring to include:
- Endeavour Centre (cnr Endeavour and Banks Ave)
- Whitford Business Centre (Mitre 10, Better Pets, Auto Masters, Supercheap Auto)
- Endeavour Childcare and Whitford Family Centre
In the most recent contact with the school, one of the businesses in the centre across the road advised that they had to deal with a cancelled afternoon appointment as an elderly couple could not access parking in the Business Centre parking lot. Upon further inspection, it was found that approximately 70% of the car parks were being utilised by St Mark’s parents collecting their children from school.
While I understand the convenience of parking there, I ask that you do not utilise the car parks in any of the centres surrounding St Mark’s as the School does not want to tarnish the relationships we have with the local business community.
Our school community benefits from strong relationships with the business community, and compromising this relationship may result in the loss of benefits such as the use of the Muzz Buzz carpark for Year 12 students and as an overflow for major organised events, plus the multitude of hands-on educational opportunities that arise from the positive relationships we have established over many years.
If we cannot gain the support required to respect the business community’s parking spaces, the City of Joondalup Rangers may intervene in the area at critical times of the day.
As a St Mark’s community, it is our responsibility to foster our positive relationship with Westfield and the Scentre Group for the benefit of our students. In addition, we must always be respectful of our near neighbours and not intrude on their amenity by parking on their verges and in their driveways.
Thank you for your support in this matter. I hope that you and your family have a blessed Easter break.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Steven Davies