Head of Middle School - John Stewart
Early arrivals and duty of care
We have noticed an increasing number of students arriving at school very early before teachers have begun their duties at 8:00 am. To ensure the safety and supervision of these students, any child arriving at school before 8:00 am must proceed to the Secondary Library where they will be under the supervision of our dedicated staff. The Secondary Library opens each weekday at 7:30 am. Various before-school activities and additional study classes are available for students to engage in before the regular school day starts. We kindly request parents support us by not bringing their children to school until after 8:00 am or directing them to the Library or a before-school activity to ensure a member of our team supervises them.
Management of emails
St Mark’s values the relationships it builds with parents as we all work together to educate our children. A crucial part of this relationship is regular communication between home and school. Teachers have many students across multiple classes during a school day so our Communications Guidelines: Parents state that parents can expect a response to their queries within two working days. We also respect that our staff's need for personal time, so it is reasonable for parents not to expect a response to an email after 5:00pm or before 8:00am, or on weekends or school holidays. Once an email is received/read, it may take some time to investigate, gather information, and find an appropriate time to respond.
There are times in our relationship with parents when things happen at school that may upset parents and their children. We understand that you want only the best for your children and want to ensure that their school experience is as positive and smooth as possible. The staff at St Mark’s wish the same for your children. We request that if you are upset, you take the time before you write an email and be conscious of the tone in which you address our staff members. Often, a quickly formulated email in the heat of the moment comes across as aggressive or demanding when that may not have been your attention. Our staff work very hard to support your children. Mutual respect is an important component of the relationship between school and home. We ask that you show staff the respect they deserve in your interaction with them in person and in writing. Our commitment here at St Mark's is to take your concern seriously, investigate, and work with you to find the best outcome for you and your child to ensure that their learning and experience here at school is a positive one.
School uniform in Term 2
As we move into Term 2, the student uniform changes to the winter uniform, including blazers and ties. In Terms 2 and 3, formal shirts are to be tucked into trousers and banded shirts are worn ‘tucked out’ on the hips. Please refer to the guidelines for School uniform and appearance in the Secondary School Student Information Booklet HERE. In particular, please ensure that students return for Term 2 with an appropriate haircut or style, that the whole uniform is clean and in good condition, and that skirts are at the appropriate length.
Perth weather can remain warm for the first couple of weeks of Term 2. To allow for this a transition period of two weeks is in place at the start of Term 2 when students may wear either the full summer uniform OR the full winter uniform. Items of each cannot be mixed and matched, and the sports tracksuit top cannot be worn with the formal uniform for warmth. Secondary School students must wear the formal winter uniform from the beginning of Week 3, Monday 29 April 2024.
We look forward to seeing our students back on campus ready for Term 2 on Tuesday, 16 April 2024.