Year 6 Parent Teacher Interviews
Our Year 6 Parent Teacher Interviews are fast approaching. These are being held on Friday, 28 March, between 8.30am and 4.30pm and are an important opportunity for you to connect with your child’s Homeroom and MESH teachers (Maths, English, Science and Humanities). We want to celebrate your child’s strengths and highlight how they can improve their learning. Your child may join you in these interviews to reflect on their start in Year 6, where possible. As such, Friday 28 March, is a Student-Free Day for Year 6, and no Year 6 classes will run for the day, including PCG time. Your child is to stay home for the day.
We will be offering a combination of online and in-person interviews to accommodate your busy schedule. Online interviews can be scheduled in the morning between 8:30am and 12:30pm and in person interviews will be available in the afternoon between 12:30-4:30pm.
Bookings will open from Friday 14 March at 3pm on the SEQTA Engage Portal. The interview slots are for seven minutes per teacher, whether that teacher is your child’s Homeroom teacher or teaches your child one or more subjects. Please do not book more than one interview session with a given teacher and be aware that extending the interview time will not be possible on the day as teachers will have full interview schedules. Instructions on how to book your interview is listed below. If you cannot attend an interview on 28 March or feel you need more time, please get in touch with your child's teacher(s) and arrange an alternate time.
The Parent Interview Tile can be found on the Welcome Page of SEQTA Engage under Online Services. The school will be using Booked (previously known as PTO).

We hope you can attend these important interviews to talk with your child's teachers about how they are managing their start in Middle School.