Year 7 Camp
Dear Parents
I am writing regarding the upcoming Year 7 Point Walter Day Camp. In previous years, we have been able to offer an overnight stay to the Year 7 students at some locations in the Perth area. Our review of these camps has proven that these locations were unsuitable for Year 7 students. We have also faced significant challenges finding accommodation for 192 students plus staff for an overnight stay. Therefore, last year, the decision was made to change the camp into a day camp. Carnley and Challen houses will attend on the first day, while the remainder of Year 7 attend a normal school day. Moyes and Watkins will attend on the second day, with the remainder of the cohort attending their timetabled classes.
The camp's purpose is to assist the children in building strong relationships with their peers in their Pastoral Care Groups, students in other Pastoral Care Groups, and their Pastoral Care Tutor. While we are disappointed not to offer an overnight opportunity, we believe the activities planned for the two-day camps will greatly benefit our students.
I will share further information regarding the camp arrangements with you soon, and I look forward to joining the students after camp in the upcoming weeks.
Yours sincerely
Mr John Stewart
Head of Middle School