A message from the Head of Primary School
It is an exciting week ahead as we have a number of transition events. Whether it is moving to another year group, a different part of the school, or as is the case for our new children, completely changing schools, there is always great anticipation and excitement about the week.
A great deal of time goes into making our class lists and after students find out what class they are in, parents can help by talking about next year as a chance to charge into the challenge of a new year group, class or school. This helps ease worries a great deal more than expressing disappointment. Children will always have their previous friends but the new class provides the opportunity to make new friendships. As we tell the students, they could be meeting their new best friends. The ability to meet new people and develop an increasing network of friends is an important skill they will need as they grow up. This year, due to guidance received on privacy, we are not releasing the whole class list and instead stating what class your child or children will be in. This will occur on Thursday afternoon via email. Students on Friday will be in their 2025 class during the transition day so it will only be a short time to wait before they find out who is with them and the names of new students who are joining the class. Exciting times.
Another change this year is the date for our annual Carols Service on the Senior Oval. This year it is on Wednesday evening 27 November, and I hope parents and families can support this event with the wonderful numbers it usually attracts. For new families who have not been before, bring a blanket or chairs and enjoy the singing of our students and celebrate this important event in our Christian calendar.
Mark Douglas
Head of Primary School