A message from the Head of Primary School
This week our school will be a little smaller as the Year 4 students charge into the challenge of their three day, two night camp. These are tremendous growth opportunities and I thank all staff who willingly give up their time to facilitate this event.
Another area where real growth was evident was during our swimming and surfing block. Students navigated a disrupted timetable during this period and gained great experience organising themselves with all of the associated trimmings that go with surfing and swimming. I do hope that goggles, towels and swimmers lasted the distance and made it out of the plastic bag to homes at the end of the week!
The two week intensive block is the best way for children to learn to swim. This method does make children tired by the end but more importantly, it provides the best chance for children to improve their swimming skills. Please take note of where your children are on the swimming continuum. We have many wonderful swimming providers in Perth and I am aware that some students require extra lessons to supplement the school program, as well as others who talked about wanting to swim more seriously. Heading into summer, the better our students can swim, the safer they will be.
Mark Douglas
Head of Primary School