Swimming Lesson Timetable
From Monday 21 October to 1 Friday 1 November (inclusive) all students from Pre-Primary to Year 4 will participate in a swimming lesson on each school day (total of ten lessons). Lesson start times for all classes are provided below.
Updated 4.56pm 15/10/24: Apologies, the two Year 1 classes have swapped their lesson times. These have been corrected below.
9.20am: Year 2 Di Stefano & Year 4 Hummerston (NOTE: bus departs school at 8.40am)
10.05am: Year 1 Wells (NOT Harriden), Year 3 Robertson and half of Year 4 Mason
10.50am: Pre-Primary Newell, Year 2 Birsa/Fussell & half Year 4 Mason
12.00pm: Pre-Primary Logan, Year 2 Chadderton & half Year 4 Martino
12.45pm: Year 1 Harriden (NOT Wells), Year 3 Greaves and half Year 4 Martino
1.30pm: Year 3 Keenan and Year 4 Upson
More information will be provided via Consent2Go tomorrow. Parents will need to respond to the invite for each of their children as soon as it is received to ensure permission has been granted for them to attend the lessons. Please make sure all medical information is updated via Consent2Go as necessary.
Government Swimming Lesson Enrolment Forms for PP-Y4 - FORMS DUE THIS WEEK
Paper copies of the required Government Swimming Lesson Enrolment Form went home with all Pre-Primary to Year 4 students last week. If you have not already sent in a completed form for your child/each child, please do so this week. Thank you. Completed forms should be given to the relevant class teacher. A completed form for each child is required by pool staff on Day 1 of swimming lessons (Monday 21 October).