A Message from the Head of Primary School
A warm welcome back to all members of our community for what will be an exciting Term 4. I am typing this newsletter at Year 5 camp and overlooking the glorious panorama of the Shoalwater Islands Marine Park.
I am a firm believer in the benefits of camps for children and the positive effect the experiences provide. Something that sounds simple, such as kayaking, actually involves concentrating during a safety briefing, physically handling the kayak, scrunched up facial expressions as they get wet for the first time in the morning, laughter and screams as they join in on the games and of course my favourite, which is encouraging their teammates to make sure everyone is feeling included and joining in.
It is a chance to mix with other children, making new friends and connections that will help them in the years to come. During the regular meal breaks, it is interesting to see the students migrate back to their usual groups and friendships but this time with stories and laughter and plenty of tales to tell about the activities they have been doing.
Our Year 5s have handled this camp tremendously well, with impeccable behaviour and endless enthusiasm (shall we call it energy!) and it always makes me proud when the camp providers and staff state how impressed they are with the way our students conduct themselves. Camps are a learning experience that I certainly value for the children. I would also like to thank all of the staff, teachers and education assistants who have stayed at the camp to provide this wonderful opportunity.
Next up is our in-term swimming for most of the primary school and surfing for Year 5s. Swimming is another essential skill for children to learn and while our swimming program does not provide all of the necessary instruction for students to master this life skill, it will give a guide to parents as to where their children are and if further instruction is needed. Thank you for your support of these programs.
Mark Douglas
Head of Primary School