A message from the Head of Primary School
What a wonderful time to be a Primary Schooler at St Mark's. This week we have the full spectrum of activities and opportunities for the children to participate in.
Yesterday, our Primary Eisteddfod was a huge success. With nearly 100 entrants, the event was once again very popular and showcased the results of many, many hours of practice and rehearsal. I was amazed in particular by those students who I know have learnt one instrument for many years but confidently hopped on stage to perform a complicated piece on a completely different instrument! The Eisteddfod also highlighted students at different stages of their music journey. We are not born experts on instruments and the students could see that prowess and progress occur over time and with sustained dedication. A huge thank you to Mr Martin, Mr Walker, Ms Guelfi and the music staff for all of their work in organising, encouraging and supporting our students to participate in this wonderful event.
The annual Athletics Carnival kicked off today and will continue tomorrow, giving our budding athletes a chance to shine. With the Olympics still fresh in our minds, I am certain the children will give each event their all. Our Athletics Carnival also includes many novelty events that make the day fun and engaging. This system works better than the traditional model of only doing a handful of events and having to watch for the majority of the day. For events such as the 800m, 200m and sprint races, children will be out of breath at the end of each race. It is a timely reminder for children and parents that this moment of discomfort passes quickly and after a few minutes they will feel their normal selves again. I do hope the weather stays clear tomorrow, however, I am sure the students will have great fun regardless. Thank you to Mr Barton for the many hours of organisation required for this event to run.
Friday will see all of the Primary School gather again for the Book Week parade. I love to read and really enjoy asking children what they are reading as they pass me on their way back to class after being in the library. They are normally very eager to tell me what their current book is and their thoughts on the series. I know there are some brilliant series for children and I would like to thank all of our parents for their support of their child in these pursuits. I am sure your homes are regularly visited by the print copies of Wings of Fire, Ella's Diaries and the Land of Stories. Reading brings with it the magic of imagination and is an area I hope our students continue to flourish in as they move through the school. A big thanks to Mrs Fransz an Mrs Lindsay for organising the book week event this year.
The last fortnight has also seen our ELC classes participate in their first assemblies of the year in the Performing Arts Complex. Year One led the way and I don't think there could have been a single person in attendance who was not beaming with smiles after such wonderful performances. While many children are very confident from the beginning, for others these opportunities are how they grow in this area and develop the skills they need in the wider world outside the school gates.
Mark Douglas
Head of Primary School