A message from the Head of Primary School
A part of the school that I really value is our Primary School library. Each day I find many children in there, reading, talking about the books they have read and taking the time to find their next imaginative adventure though books. It also hosts clubs and activities from Pokémon through to craft and drawing. It is a hub for all, and our students always support its use extremely well. Please find below a piece from our Primary School teacher librarian, Mrs Fransz and please take note of the upcoming book week parade. It will be magic!
Mark Douglas - Head of Primary School
Life in the library continues to be busy with children embracing reading and challenging themselves by borrowing new series, different genres and new authors. Over the term holidays, a large number of children completed the “Winter Reading Bingo” challenging them to read for 15 minutes every day with added challenges such as reading to someone younger than them, reading at bedtime or reading outside in the sunshine. These children were rewarded with a certificate last week.
We regularly purchase new books for the library. Recently two of our Year 5 students recommended some new book series. We purchased these books, and it was wonderful to see the joy on their faces when we showed them to them. If anyone has any new book suggestions, we would love to hear them.
Book Week and Book Fair are fast approaching. This year’s theme is “Reading is Magic”. Some classes have been reading the CBCA picture books. Our Year 3 children enjoyed reading “The Concrete Garden” by Bob Graham. They then created a class drawing of their own garden. There were some very amazing things in these gardens. Our Year 2 students had the wonderful experience of walking to Whitford Library and listened to Amy Dunjey is a children’s author and speech pathologist. Amy has written four rhyming picture books, with more on the way! She also writes poetry and short stories for children’s magazines. Amy’s session was filled with stories, dancing and fun activities.
We all know the importance of reading whether to meet an AR target, learn new information or for pleasure so we continue to encourage children to read daily. The students in the Primary School have borrowed over 17 000 books so far this year showing how valued and important reading is.
Mrs Jane Franz - Teacher (Primary Library)