A message from the Head of Primary School
It has been a sprint to the finish in the Primary School and I hope all of our families are looking forward to having their children home in the holidays.
We have had many opportunities over the past week for students to experience more than just their regular schooling. Multiple year groups have travelled on excursions around Perth including zoos, parks and farms, and I thank our parent volunteers for their support with this. Our discos last Friday were well-attended, and behaviour was exceptional as always. Once again, we were fortunate to have our parent community support this event and organise the half time snacks for very thirsty and hungry children.
Our music program was again a shining light with students in the Viva Ritmo Voices choir taking first place at the North Perth Music Festival on Saturday. This is a wonderful result and students should be very proud of this achievement. On Sunday all of the St Mark's rock bands performed to a full house at the Indi Bar in Scarborough. It was amazing to see the skills and talents of children from Years 4 to 12 as they turned up the amps and blasted their songs to the crowd. While our Primary students were superstars, showcasing musicianship and confidence well above their years, the event enabled us to see the progression of skills as older students performed. I hope to see many of our rockers continue to participate in these programs in the future. Like many of the parents in attendance, I was left wondering just how good are these students going to be when they are in Senior School!
Today and tomorrow will also see students from Years 3-6 represent the School at the Interschool Athletics Carnival. I know they will compete with gusto and importantly showcase the sportsmanship that we highly value at St Mark's. Day one is at Peter Moyes, and Day Two will be held at the WA Athletics Stadium, Mount Claremont. I am sure our students will love competing at these venues and we wish them all the best.
On Wednesday afternoon, Mr Pressley and our school psychologist, Mrs Byrne, are hosting a parent information session on technology use. This is an important topic and often a difficult journey for parents so I encourage all families to attend if they can. Further information is found later in this Bulletin.
Finally, this is the final week before the end of term holidays. I wish everyone a safe and relaxing vacation and hope you get to make some quality memories with your children.
Mark Douglas
Head of Primary School