A message from the Head of Primary School
Another busy week has seen our students enjoy a good range of activities on top of their normal learning.
Many thanks to our parents, staff and students for their support of our two Junior School discos. It was very well attended and the students had a wonderful time.
The Year 5 students competed in a Lightning Carnival in netball, tag rugby, football, AFL and hockey yesterday. The feedback from the students was excellent and I was pleased the weather cooperated on the day. I was particularly impressed with the students who gave a new sport a go for the very first time. Trying new things is an important aspect of primary school and I am sure all students learnt some new skills and had a fun time. A big thank you to the staff who facilitated this event.
Tonight will see many of our students shine on stage in the Primary Instrumental Concert. I am always amazed at the talents and confidence of the students at these events but recognise that this success comes from plenty of intentional practice and lots of support from home with encouragement and a few reminders!
Mark Douglas
Head of Primary School