A message from the Head of Primary School
This week we will enjoy two special days that will enable us to gather together as a larger group here at school, one for a celebration and the other for a commemoration.
St Mark’s Day is a moment each year where we stop and celebrate the wonderful school community that we enjoy. There are not many times when we can gather the larger school and this event is one that always brings a smile to the senior students, as they see the early years children and reflect that they too were once that age and that small.
Last year’s entertaining service was led by Reverand Davis and I still use his theme for the day, ‘play for the badge’, when I talk to students now. While his Northern Ireland football references led to some head scratching, the call for pride in our school and its wider community resonated with everyone in attendance. It still does with me now. This year we are blessed to have our new Bishop, Hans Christiansen, being interviewed by Reverand Rowland. Bishop Christiansen has come to Perth from Melbourne Grammar School and I am sure he will have some wise words and stories for our students to hear.
On Friday we will have an Anzac service for our Primary School students, with the Middle and Senior Schools running their own service. Our service is age appropriate and will commemorate all of our defence force personnel who gave their lives in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping missions across the years. All parents know the day is the anniversary of the landing of Australian and New Zealand troops at Gallipoli but many might be surprised to know that we have two pine trees at St Mark’s that are the progeny of the Lone Pine from Gallipoli. I had the pleasure of listening to Mr Martin retell the story to his class of the significance of planting two small saplings that with care and maintenance, now stand as large trees in the Middle School. Dawn services will occur across the city and I encourage all families to take the time to explain the significance of this day to their children.
Next week we will be having our annual school photos. As always, our Primary students will look their very best and I thank all parents for following our uniform, hair and jewellery guidelines for this day. Further information regarding school photos can be found below.
Mark Douglas,
Head of Primary School