A message from the Head of Primary School
This week's Bulletin has a piece by our Literacy and Numeracy Coach, Mrs Roberston, about bringing Mathematics out of the classroom and into everyday lives. This is something that I fully believe in, not just for the benefits on children's Maths prowess. Highlighting Maths in everyday life is about communication and thinking, and the more parents are talking meaningfully with their children, or challenging them to think, the better off the students are.
I know from experience that a surprisingly difficult part of this is patience. Not the type patience that is needed when you are frustrated with something or someone, but rather the time patience that is required to let the children think about a response or self correct an answer. A Zen style patience. Giving children the time to reply to a point or question can be more challenging than most think as we often fill in the space ourselves with the answer but if we value the response, then a few more seconds of waiting is very much worth it. I hope shopping, car rides and the upcoming holiday planning provides lots of Mathematical opportunities for you to share with your children.
A short reminder also that next term our Winter Uniform guidelines are in place. The uniform shop has extended opening hours for the upcoming Easter holidays (please see the Uniform Opening Hours item below) and please remember to name all items before they are worn to school and are subjected to the immense gravitational forces that are our lost property boxes possess.
Mark Douglas
Head of Primary School