
St Mark’s is the foundation school of the Anglican Schools Commission, an organisation established in 1985 whose core purpose was to establish and support low-fee Anglican schools which provide a high quality, inclusive, caring, and coeducational education.

The four House names were chosen by the School's Foundation Principal, Mrs Barbara Godwin OAM, and the School's Interim Council, before the School opened in 1986. Each House was named after a person who had been instrumental in the foundation of the School; Archbishop Dr Peter Carnley A.C., Bishop Michael Challen, Mr Peter M. Moyes A.M., O.B.E. and Mr Glynn Watkins O.A.M.

Each of the House groups is identified by colour, as well as flora and fauna motifs inspired by the School's coastal location as well as the wider context of Western Australia.

Archbishop Dr Peter Carnley A.C.

The Most Reverend Dr Peter Carnley was Archbishop of Perth from 1981 to 2005 and Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia from 2000 until July 2005.

Archbishop Peter Carnley was very positive that the Anglican Church in WA could and should fund a low-fee coeducational school, although there was opposition from some members of the church. He assisted in encouraging the Diocese to purchase the land at Whitfords as the site for such a school.

Archbishop Carnley chose the name “The Anglican Community School of St Mark” for the school and this was announced on October 24 1984. (The School’s name was officially changed to “St Mark’s Anglican Community School” in September 1991.)

Dr Carnley officially opened St Mark’s and commissioned the Principal and staff on 9 February, 1986. The Carnley House banner depicts a Whale and Swan River Daisies. The House Colour is blue.

Bishop Michael Challen

Foundation Chair of the Interim Anglican Education Commission Bishop Michael Challen was a graduate in Science and Theology. He was ordained in 1957 and consecrated a bishop in 1978. He was well-known for his egalitarian approach to social issues, including education. He was Convenor of a Task Force set up after the 1981 Synod to consider the possibility of opening low-cost Anglican schools.

Diocesan Council resolved on 7 October 1982 to set up an Interim Anglican Education Commission (IAEC) under the chairmanship of Bishop Challen. Another committee, called the Anglican Schools’ Trust, already existed and after a great deal of negotiation and persuasion by Bishop Challen and Archbishop Carnley, the two bodies merged to form the Anglican Schools Commission on 11 October 1985.

As Convenor of the Task Force, it was Bishop Challen’s special focus to support a wider cross-section of Anglican families by the establishment of low-fee schools in less affluent areas.

Bishop Challen was Chair of Parkerville Children’s Home from 2001 to 2008; Adjunct Professor at Curtin University; and a Lecturer at the University of WA Social Policy Department. Bishop Challen retired in 1999. The Challen House banner depicts a Gecko and Eucalypt. The House Colour is green.

Mr Peter M. Moyes A.M., O.B.E. (1917 – 2007)

Mr Peter Moyes was Headmaster of Christchurch Grammar School, Claremont, from 1951 to 1981. On his retirement he became the real driving force behind the decision to set up low-fee Anglican schools.

Mr Moyes was a member of both the Anglican Schools Trust (AST) and the Interim Anglican Education Commission (IAEC), of which he became Chairman on 20 December, 1983.

Mr Moyes played a pivotal role in steering the merger of the AST and the IAEC to form the Anglican Schools Commission (ASC), of which he was appointed Chairman in October, 1985 and which met for the first time on 12 December 1985. As Foundation Chairman of the Anglican Schools Commission, he was very active in the setting up of St Mark’s and establishing the governance model for the ASC and its schools. Mr Moyes remained Chairman until 1993.

Mr Moyes’ was a great source of support and inspiration for the Foundation Principal and the School Council and his outstanding legacy to education, and in particular to St Mark’s, was recognised by naming Moyes House in his honour.

The Moyes House banner depicts a Sea Dragon and Kangaroo Paw. The House Colour is red.

Mr Glynn Watkins O.A.M. (November 1925 to October 2008)

Mr Glynn Watkins was an outstanding educator and administrator for over 40 years with the Education Department and was Foundation Principal of Morley and Wanneroo Senior High Schools.

Mr Watkins was a staunch Anglican and was the ideal person to become Chair of the Interim School Council of St Mark’s in 1985, and then Chair of the School Council from 1986 until 1993.

Mr Watkins’ wisdom as an educator, and his Christian commitment, as well as his delightfully engaging good humour and enthusiasm, were instrumental in nurturing and guiding the School Council as its first Chairman.

Mr Watkins’ outstanding legacy to education, and in particular to St Mark’s, was recognised by naming Watkins House in his honour.

The Watkins House banner depicts an Osprey and Wattle. The House Colour is Yellow.

The St Mark's Timeline

1985: Interim School Council was set up with Mr GM Watkins as Chairman in January 1985

1985:Mrs Barbara Godwin OAM, was appointed Foundation Principal

1985: The Foundation Council held its inaugural meeting.

1985: The Parents and Friends' Association was formed in October 1985

1986: The School opened on 4 February 1986 with an initial enrolment of 240 students in Pre-Primary, Years 1, 2 and 3 and Year 8

1988: The School's first Library and the Administration block opens in 1989.

1989: Construction on the School Hall started in 1989, and was officially opened in 1990. In 2014, the Hall is named for the School's first employee, Mr Ken Fairfield, Foundation Bursar.

1990: The first group of students complete Year 12.

1991: The Old Scholars' Association is established.

1993: The Barbara Godwin Performing Arts Complex is opened.

1999: The Chapel of St Mark and St Luke opens.

2002: The Early Learning Centre opens.

2002: Tony Stopher commissioned as the School's second Principal.

2006: The Len King Sports Pavilion opens.

2009: The Year 7 Building opens (renamed the Floreat building in 2014).

2010: The new Primary School Campus is opened.

2011: The School celebrates its 25th Anniversary.

2012: Construction of the new Library begins.

2013: Cameron Herbert is commissioned as the School's third Principal.

2013: The refurbishment of the Barbara Godwin Performing Arts Centre and Early Learning Centre is completed.

2013: The new Tony Stopher Library and Information Centre opens.

2015: Construction of the new Senior Academic Centre begins.

2016: Construction of additional learning spaces in the Primary School commences. The Anglican Schools Commission announces that the Senior Academic Centre will be named for Past Chair of Council, Mr Alan Cadby.

2017: The new Learning Enrichment Centre opens in the Primary School

2018: The Alan Cadby Senior Academic Centre opens.

2018: Steven Davies commissioned as the School's fourth Principal.

2020: St Mark's implements a Digital Learning Program during the COVID-19 lockdown in Terms 1 and 2. Normal classes resume in early in Term 2.