In the blink of an eye, the moment arrived as we bid a fond farewell to our Year 12 cohort. Friday marked our last chance to unite as a year group, a day filled with celebration and cherished farewells that culminated in the Valedictory Service.
The morning commenced with Year 12 students gathering for their final breakfast with their Pastoral Care Teachers (PCTs). Laughter and chatter filled the air, serving as a testament to the growth and camaraderie that had developed throughout their time at St Mark's.
But it was the Valedictory where the memories of their educational journey at St Mark’s were etched in their hearts forever. The Class of 2023 commenced the evening's festivities with their House videos and presentations, followed by their grand entrance under the enchanting voices of our Primary Viva Ritmo Choir.
The formalities soon followed, with heartfelt speeches from the Head of Senior School, Ms Madden, and Head Prefects Zuleika Hazli-Aluwi and Griffin Nicolay, who spoke on behalf of their fellow graduates. Our Head Prefects reminisced about their St Mark's journey, expressing gratitude for the nurturing environment that had helped them grow.
The evening was not just about words but also about music – a soulful reminder of the talent within the St Mark's community. Year 11 and 12 students showcased their musical prowess, adding another layer of emotion to the event.
As the night drew to a close, Head of Year 12, Mr Van Winsen, delivered a moving speech that had many reaching for the tissues and encapsulated the essence of their journey as students and his as their Head of Year. Principal Mr Davies expressed gratitude to the families for their unwavering support and extended his well-wishes for the Class of 2023 as they ventured into the wider world.
Throughout their journey at St Mark's, this Year 12 cohort has embodied the School's core values: knowledge, respect, community, responsibility, and confidence. This Valedictory was not just a farewell; it was a celebration of these values that would guide them in the world beyond.
This year, the cohort’s additional value was 'Valour,' a quality each and every one of them had exemplified in 2023. They have been encouraged to remember that life may bring challenges, but their response to those challenges ultimately defines their journey. Just as they couldn't change the past, they had the power to choose how they would navigate the future, focusing on solutions, not problems.
The Year 12 Valedictory was a heartwarming farewell, a celebration of accomplishments, and a momentous step into the unknown. With fond memories, values firmly in their hearts, and the spirit of 'Valour' guiding their way, the Class of 2023 now embarks on a new chapter, leaving St Mark's with a legacy of courage and grace.
View the Head Prefects Valedictory Address here.
The official photos from the Valedictory will be available for families soon. Snapshots from the day are below