From the Principal
It has been a delight to hear the sounds of our students back on campus. The School feels best when it is filled with children. I hope that all of our new students quickly settle in and make positive connections with teachers, peers and activities and that all of our students quickly adopt a ‘ready to learn’ frame of mind.
During the holiday break, from mid-December, the results of our 2024 cohort of Year 12 students were released by the Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC) and the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA). While our Primary School families are currently some time away from needing to think about Year 12, I think is important for you to know what is ahead for your children and how the Secondary School is helping our students to be their best selves in their studies.
Our 2024 Year 12 students can be very proud of their achievements in all of the pathways available at St Mark’s. Some notable data is outlined below:
- 156 of 158 (98.7%) eligible full-time students achieved the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).
- Year 12 ATAR students achieved a median ATAR of 85.10.
- 51% of Year 12 students followed an ATAR pathway, and 49% followed a General pathway. Students on a General pathway who complete the UniReady program and/or Certificate IV (with a minimum English grade) in their study program are also eligible for university entrance. In all, 130 of our 158 (82%) of Year 12 students are eligible for university entrance in 2025.
- Our top ATAR student achieved an ATAR of 99.50, an outstanding effort! He was awarded a General Exhibition as one of the top fifty ATAR students in the state and was the ATAR Dux of the School.
- Our General Dux was Miah Dennaoui.
- 30 (out of 81) ATAR students (37%) achieved an ATAR of 90.00 or more.
- 56 ATAR students (69%) achieved an ATAR of 80.00 or more.
- 71 ATAR students (88%) achieved an ATAR of 70.00 or more.
- This cohort included students who left the School early (Years 10-12) to follow a different path – three students took up apprenticeships, and seven commenced TAFE (or equivalent) studies.
- One student achieved two Subject Certificates of Excellence, one in Health Studies and one in Psychology.
- Nine students achieved a Certificate of Distinction for their studies.
- Thirty students achieved a Certificate of Merit for their studies.
- 41 of 42 students successfully completed the UniReady course and are eligible for university entry for 2025 via this non-ATAR pathway.
- 56 VET Certificates were achieved by 49 students in this cohort over their Years 10-12: 15 x Certificate II, 24 x Certificate III, and 17 x Certificate IV.
- Based on the percentage of students at each school who had Year 12 ATAR course combined scores in the top 15% of all students in that course, St Mark’s was named as having highest performing students in Business Management and Enterprise, Chemistry, Economics, Food Science and Technology, Health Studies, Human Biology, Literature and Physics – congratulations to the students and teachers for their fine achievement in those WACE courses.
We are delighted with the achievements of our 2024 Year 12 cohort and wish each of them every success as they embark on their first steps away from their secondary education. We believe they are well prepared for the choices they will make about their future.
I thank and commend all of our staff who taught students in our 2024 Year 12 cohort over their years at the School and contributed to their success.
We commence the 2025 academic year in typical Perth summer weather, and this is a timely reminder about our expectations that our students are SunSmart. Families are reminded that our students, K-12, are expected to wear a hat when outside and not in the shade during a lesson, during a break or involved in any school activity. The most protective headwear is a wide-brimmed hat; the next best option is a cap. Both uniform items may be obtained from the School’s Uniform Shop. Please ensure your child/ren has a suitable School hat and that they bring it to school each day. It is also recommended that students apply sunscreen when they know they will be exposed to the sun. While SunSmart behaviour has been required in Terms 1 and 4 in the past, this requirement has been extended all year round to protect our children from the high levels of UV radiation we experience in Perth. I will remind students and their families about this expectation closer to the commencement of Term 2. Thank you for being so supportive of this important child-safe initiative.
We have every reason to be optimistic about the new year, and all of our students, their families and staff have my best wishes for a happy and successful 2025. I am looking forward to another positive year of learning, achievement and activity at St Mark’s.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Steven Davies,