Congratulations to the Class of 2020

The graduating class of 2020 had much to celebrate when the Year 12 results were released by SCSA and TISC late last year. As a year group that faced many challenges, we are especially proud of their efforts to succeed in their chosen studies.

Last year’s Year 12 students faced some challenging circumstances through the year as a result of some uncertainty created by COVD-19 restrictions in our community. Despite that uncertainty, our students committed themselves to their study and were successful in achieving pleasing academic results across a number of measures.

Year 11 and 12 students study either a General or an ATAR Pathway, with the goal of achieving the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE). Both are very worthwhile pathways and are chosen by students to suit their immediate aspirations. Choosing one pathway at school, however, does not preclude anyone from pursuing any direction beyond their secondary education. St Mark's Principal, Steven Davies, was very pleased that students in both pathways achieved results of which they, and we, can be proud.


154 of 155 (99.36%) full time eligible students achieved their Western Australian Certificate of Education.

ATAR Scores

The median ATAR score achieved by St Mark’s students was 80.83, a pleasing increase on the figure achieved by the 2019 Year 12 cohort.

St Mark’s aligns with the view of AHISA, the Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia, in WA that believes the ‘league table’ of median ATAR scores is but one, narrow measure of student achievement when there are so many other characteristics of our students that we value and of which we are very proud.

Nevertheless, the median ATAR measure is a useful piece of feedback and does indicate to us the degree to which our Year 12 ATAR students were able to achieve their goals and aspirations for the first year beyond their secondary education. I would like to acknowledge the effort, commitment and dedication shown by students and staff at St Mark’s, and in all other schools around the state, as they also seek to do their best each year.

A more detailed breakdown of ATAR scores for 2020 St Mark’s students is noted in the table below. Our two top scoring students achieved an ATAR of 99.70 and 99.65, respectively, while six students achieved an ATAR of 95.00 or higher.

ATAR Score % of students eligible for an ATAR
Greater than or equal to 95.00
Greater than or equal to 90.00
Greater than or equal to 85.00
Greater than or equal to 80.00
Greater than or equal to 70.00
VET Achievement

While all students in the General Pathway completed at least one Certificate II or higher, 41 students in the 2020 cohort completed 143 VET certificates over their Years 10-12, which is a significant achievement. In many cases, achievement of a VET certificate will lead directly to further study or training at TAFE, an apprenticeship or traineeship, employment, or to university entrance and study.

Certificate Programs Cert II Cert III and IV Total
Completed Certificates in Years 10 - 12
WACE Courses

In five of the WACE courses taught at St Mark’s in 2020, the School was named as having the highest performing students in ATAR courses, based on the percentage of students who had Year 12 ATAR course combined scores in the top 15% of all students in that course. These courses are:

  • Business Management and Enterprise
  • Food Science and Technology
  • Health Studies
  • Philosophy and Ethics
  • Physical Education Studies

These courses were also named as top performing courses in 2019, and we congratulate the teachers and Departments responsible for such outstanding and consistent achievement.

Additional Achievements

One of our students was awarded a Subject Certificate of Excellence (top 0.5% of candidates based on the examination mark) for Mathematics Applications, ten students were awarded a Certificate of Distinction and twenty two students were awarded a Certificate of Merit for their Year 12 studies.

Our congratulations also go to Tayla Burton for her documentary on fellow Old Scholar, Nikau Davidson's, transition. The documentary received an A grade, and has been selected for the 2020 Pulse Perspectives exhibition, and will also be screened at the Geelong Pride Festival.

100% of our 2020 Year 12 students achieved the required standard in OLNA in each of the three components (Reading, Writing, Numeracy) by the end of their Year 12.

While the results of Year 12 students become an obvious focus for our community, and other communities around the state, over the December/January period each year, we continue to strive for excellence in teaching and learning for all students throughout the School so that they are able to be their best selves and look to their future with optimism and choice.

We continually strive to provide supportive and effective structures and processes, to ensure students study in a pathway that will bring them success now and into their future, to develop a culture of achievement in our students, and to promote positive work habits, mindsets and dispositions.

Mr Davies also thanked the staff of St Mark’s for their continued effort and professionalism in the best interest of our students.