CAS Report Term 1 - Round 2

CAS Round 2 Recap v St Stephen's

Our second round of CAS fixtures kicked off with a tough outing against some strong opposition. Again, students showed great determination and worked hard for their results! This year, students will be writing up little blurbs about how the games went. Unfortunately, students have been spending too much time doing school work and have run out of time to get their reports to me.

Mr Brock
Acting Head of Interschool Sport

Year 8-9 Indoor Beach Volleyball - Result: WIN 3-0 - Set 1: 24-8 - Set 2: 11-10 - Set 3: 30-7

Still catching their breath from an intense game, rumour has it one student popped a volleyball after spiking it too hard!

Year 7/8 Cricket – Bye round

Year 8-9 Indoor Cricket - Result: Win: 92/32

It was a solid outing; they got the job done! It was a great day overall for cricket enthusiasts everywhere.

Year 7-9 Touch Rugby Girls - Bye Round

As I looked across the Secondary Oval, there stood a bunch of hardworking students. Despite the hot conditions, the girls were putting in the work! It was great to see the turnout, with the girls striving for excellence. Well done on the great work.

Year 7 Basketball Girls - Result: Loss 44 -5

The girls had a tough outing in the heat of the outdoor courts. This was a classic battle of the ages. However, the opposition scored more points at the end of the day. The loss was helped with some tasty Zooper Doopers!

Year 8 Basketball Girls - Result: Win 72 - 24

This was a great win for the girls. They are proving to be a well-formed team that communicates well when playing. Well done on a great start to the year.

Year 9 Basketball Girls - Result: Win 59 – 20

It was a great win for the girls. A very good team that works very well together! Destined for great things this year

Year 7 Basketball Boys Result: Loss

On Wednesday, we played against St Stephen’s Duncraig. We came up against a few bigger bodies and some talented players. The first quarter was tough, neck and neck. Then, we gained a lead at halftime due to our great team play and defence. Then, in the last two quarters, we tried our very best, but we lacked a tiny bit of energy, and that’s when St Stephen’s gained their 10-point lead.

By Kale L

Year 8 Basketball Boys - Result: Win 50 -26

We won the game with a great team effort on defence. We pressured the ball and forced turnovers. In offence, we moved the ball well and gave up good shots for great ones. Altogether, it was a great game! A special shoutout to Mr Teo for helping out the team in Mr Stewart's absence. He allowed the team to tap into his speed on the athletics track, which we transferred seamlessly onto the basketball court.

By Jeremy L

Year 9 Basketball Boys - Result: Loss

It was a tough outing for the team. They worked hard but lost to a skilled opposition. At the end of the day, the opposition landed more baskets. Keep working hard, boys; the results will come.