CAS Report - Term 1, Round 1

CAS Round 1 v St Stephen's School

Our first round of fixtures are complete with some excited students taking on St Stephen's. With the return of CAS in Term 1, it was great to see the students back out showing off their skills in a competitive environment.

Next week’s games will be against Prendiville with the Juniors and Seniors swapping days. Tuesday will be the Year 7-9 and Wednesday will be the Year 10-12 teams.


Year 10-12 Volleyball Boys Result: LOSS 0-2
After two strong trials, the boys came together for the first time. Coming up against an athletic opposition they struggled against in their first game. As the first game went on and into the second, they started to hold their own. Well done to Kai, who led the way!

Year 10-12 Volleyball Girls Result: WIN 2-0
The girls started strongly and continued their hustle to play two good games. Rebecca Harvie's amazing dives set the standard for her team.

Year 10-12 Touch Rugby Girls Result: WIN 6-0
With a few out, Mr Rowland called on the recruits and they stepped up. Playing with a few youngsters, our girls were a class above a healthy opposition. The girls defended strongly, led by Demi and Louise.

Year 10-12 Basketball Girls Result: WIN 63-28
With only five players due to a few late withdrawals, the girls went to Stephen's still keen for a game. What a game they played! Even with no subs that did not stop the girls from having a convincing win. Roxy and Grace led the win but all five girls gave their all.

Year 10-12 Basketball Boys Result: WIN 56-26
A full team went to St Stephen's with high hopes. Coached by the basketball legend Mr Salinas they fought off a scrappy opposition to eventually get a convincing win. Bea was dominant, and Mitch was Curry-like as he was deadly from the 3-point line.


Year 7-9 Indoor Beach Volleyball Result: WIN Forfeit
Unfortunately, St Stephens forfeited but that did not stop the team from heading to the Indoor Volleyball Centre and getting in some practice. The team is eager to play their first game next week.

Year 7-9 Cricket Result: LOSS St Marks 6/48 St Stephens 3/92
This team of enthusiastic crickets have come together with mixed amounts of experience They took up the challenge of playing against an experienced outfit in St Stephens. Luke Booth got the team off to a great start with a great innings but unfortunately, the team lost quick wickets. They bowled well but could not stop the opposition acquiring a stronger total.

Year 7-9 Touch Rugby Girls Result: WIN Forfeit
Unfortunately, St Stephens forfeited but that did not stop the team from playing a scratch match. Some Senior girls and ex-scholars came down to create a competitive game. The team is now ready to play their first game next week.

Year 7 Basketball Girls Result: WIN 26-2
This team played strongly from the start of the game. They battled the heat to dominate the game only allowing St Stephen's to score once. They were led by experienced players Clementine and Sophie.

Year 8 Basketball Girls Result: WIN 54-22
The girls initially didn’t have a team but after recruiting some keen but inexperienced girls they played with a bundle of energy. The team was well led by Ashlyn and Greta who imparted their knowledge to their teammates who gained confidence as the game progressed.

Year 9 Basketball Girls Result: WIN 40-28
Going into the season the girls were very confident. Full of talent and experience they started the game well on top. To St Stephen's credit, they fought back and made a game of it. Our girls settled and had a great win.

Year 7 Basketball Boys Result: LOSS 47-25
Full of beans a very excited bunch of boys boarded the bus with their first experience of CAS. Unfortunately, they had a tough initiation going down to a WABL outfit in St Stephen's. We will back them in to regroup next week.

Year 8 Basketball Boys Result: LOSS 18-37
The Year 8 boys arrived at St Stephen's with plenty of excitement with their first-ever CAS game. Although full of experience and energy they were no match for a well-drilled St Stephen's. The best players for Year 8 were Lenny and Freddy.

Year 9 Basketball Boys Result: WIN
The Year 9 team is a real mix of new students, experienced basketballers and students who just love the game. This mix worked well with a dominant start to the game. Coach Lehman rotated heavily which allowed St Stephen's to peg back the lead. Players who shone were Leo, Chad and Tristan.