ELC Charters
Throughout Term 1 each class teacher and their children, have developed a Class Charter to promote the establishment of a positive learning environment. The Charter outlines how the children and the teacher want to feel at school and what actions they need to take, to help them to feel that way. The class teachers will share their Class’s Charter with you on Seesaw before the end of the term. I encourage you to take time to discuss this Charter with your child. Ask them how they feel that they are going with playing their part in the Charter at school. Understanding our feelings (positive and otherwise) and the feelings of others is important. We can draw upon our mutual understanding and use restorative practice strategies to build positive relationships and to optimise learning opportunities at school.
As the school holidays are approaching you may like to consider developing a Family Charter. Remember, a Charter will only work if it is developed together and referred to often – when things are going well, and when they are not. Highlight when you are feeling positive and what happened to make you feel that way. If someone is not feeling positive, ask “what happened?” Ask “What needs to happen to restore the situation to be more positive?” What could you do next time?” Understanding and regulating our emotions takes effort and practice. As parents you are a role model for this. I have included some information that you may find helpful to do this.